Healthy Snacking Four-Bean Salad

Healthy Snacking Four-Bean Salad
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Healthy Snacking Four-Bean Salad

January 13, 2022
: 8 (1 cup) servings
: 17 min
: 17 min
: easy

My dad has wisely begun to watch his cholesterol, so he shared with me some of the foods that came recommended for lowering his cholesterol. On his list was a variety of beans, including, garbanzo and kidney beans. In thinking what I could serve him for our weekly Saturday night dinners, I dusted off my own college recipe for four-bean salad. This recipe is fast and easy to prepare, plus it is nutritious, filled with plant-based protein, a must for vegan and vegetarian eaters.


  • 1 (15 oz) can of garbanzo beans*
  • 1 (15 oz) can of red kidney beans*
  • 1 (15 oz) can of cannellini beans*
  • 1 (15 oz) can of white navy beans*
  • *Try to use low sodium beans for all beans above, if possible.
  • Dressing:
  • ½ cup red onion
  • 3 T. red wine vinegar
  • ¼ cup + 2 T. canola oil
  • 1 ¾ t. Grey Poupon Country Dijon Mustard
  • 2 ¼ t. white granulated sugar
  • ¾ t. sea salt, plus an eighth more if needed
  • ½ t. ground black pepper
  • Step 1 Open the cans of beans and empty the contents into a large colander, rinsing them with cold water. Shake the handle of the colander to rid the beans of excess water, rather than stirring with your hands, which can break apart the tender beans. Then, transfer all four beans as you go into a large mixing bowl and set aside.
  • Step 2 Make the dressing. Combine all the ingredients for the dressing in a small, separate mixing bowl. Mix well but don’t put the dressing in a blender since this will turn the dressing cloudy.
  • Step 3 Combine the dressing and beans by pouring the dressing over the beans and using a light touch to incorporate well. Tip: at this point, I typically empty the beans in a large colander and place a bowl below to catch the excess dressing. Then, as the salad dries out in the fridge, I add back the leftover dressing. I found by not draining the excess dressing, the beans turn mushy.

With over 22 grams of fiber and 22 grams of protein per serving, this nutrient-packed salad is a must for vegan and vegetarian eaters and will easily satisfy the average carnivore. Plus, who can resist a good vinaigrette, set off by a punch of pepper?

Nutritional Information: serving size: 8 cups, servings per recipe: 8, calories: 477, total fat: 13.3 g., saturated fat: 1.2 g., cholesterol: 0 mg., sodium: 729 mg., total carbohydrate: 68.8 g., dietary fiber: 22.5 g., total sugars: 5.2 g., protein: 23.4 g., calcium: 175 mg., iron: 6.5 mg., potassium: 1204 mg., magnesium: 154 mg., vitamin D: 0 IU, vitamin C:1.1 mg., vitamin B-1: 0.5 mg., folate: 280 µg.